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Did you know?  Pharmacy First Scheme

The new Pharmacy First scheme means you can see a pharmacist about several minor illnesses and conditions you would previously have had to see your GP about. You can visit your pharmacist for a consultation and they will treat you and prescribe medication if necessary. If your condition is more serious you will be referred to a GP or hospital.

Under Pharmacy First Scheme, pharmacists can treat and prescribe medication for seven conditions. These are the conditions, and at what age, you can see the pharmacist:

  • Earache - 1 to 17 years
  • Impetigo - 1 year and over
  • Infected insect bites - 1 year and over
  • Shingles - 18 years and over
  • Sinusitis - 12 years and over
  • Sore throat - 5 years and over
  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infections - women only 16-64 years

Should you contact the Surgery about one of these conditions you may be referred to a local chemist.  Normally the chemist will contact you to discuss and issue any appropriate medication.

Click here for more information about the Pharmacy First Scheme or click here for a list of participating pharmacies

Updated:  03/05/2024

Covid Every Story Matters

The pandemic affected every single person in the UK and, in many cases, continues to have a lasting impact on lives. Every one of our experiences is unique and this is your opportunity to share the impact it had on
you, and your life, with the Inquiry.

Every story shared with us will be used to shape the Inquiry’s investigations and help us to learn lessons for the future. Stories will be collated, analysed and turned into themed reports, which will be submitted into each relevant investigation as evidence. The reports will be anonymised.

For more information see this easy read leaflet or go to their website

Updated:  10/07/2023

Acronyms in the NHS

Do you ever wonder what acronyms in the NHS mean?  What is a F2 GP?  What a PCN?

The Patient Group have published a list to hopefully help you.

Click /here to view the list

Update:  08/03/2024

Are you waiting for a hospital appointment or operation?
My Planned Care gives you help and support while you wait

The My Planned Care website supports people waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, and provides advice and support while you wait.

This includes access to average hospital waiting times* and other useful advice including: helping you to prepare for your appointment; information on how to keep healthy; looking after your mental health; accessing financial help and other local support services. 

The site is easy to use and updated weekly. Carers, friends, relatives and NHS teams can access the site and support people if required. 

*Waiting list information for cancer treatments is not available on this website.

Reviewed:  22/01/2023

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