If you take medication on a long-term basis these medicines may be on a repeat prescription which you can request without needing to see your doctor.
You may order your repeat medication in any of the following ways:
- Online from the Home Page of our website or direct at
https://systmonline.tpp-uk.com - Via Systmonline's Airmid App on your smartphone
- Via the NHS App on your smartphone
- By posting or handing in your repeat order form at the Practice
- By phone using the automated service on 01388-817777 (Option 2).
This option requires you to have a PIN which you can get from Reception.
Note the first three options require you to be registered for on-line access and have selected a default pharmacy to which your repeat medication will be sent.
Click here for more information about EPS
Remember – Don’t tick every box on your repeat prescription if you don’t need every item. You will still be able to order these medicines in the future.
Special arrangements will be made for patients who are not able to order their repeat medications themselves.
If you wish your repeat prescription form to be returned by post, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

Please allow at least two complete working days (48 hours) before collecting your prescription, remembering to make allowance for weekends and public holidays. Normally prescriptions will not be available for collection at your chosen pharmacy until after 5pm.
Prescriptions will not be issued to children.
Please note your pharmacy may need and additional 24 hours to obtain and dispense the medication.
Updated: 22/06/2023
New Patients
If you have repeat medication at your current surgery, please make an appointment to see one of our Advanced Nurse Practitioners or Doctor for a medication review. As St Andrew’s has clinical responsibility for any medication issued to our patients, we must carry out a medication review before issuing any repeats.
Reviewed: 20/03/2023
Electronic Prescription Services (EPS)
We recommend you use EPS to have your prescription sent to the pharmacy of your choice. Once you have selected the place you wish to collect yours medicines the Practice will send the prescription electronically. This means that you will have more choice about where you get your medicines because they can be collected from a pharmacy near to where you live, work or shop and you will not need to pick up a paper prescription at the surgery.
You can use the EPS regardless of how you order your repeats - just let us know the pharmacy of your choice.
For more information go to NHS Electronic Prescription website.
Please contact Reception to register.
Updated: 22/01/2023